Hello, It's

Cameron Noupoué

I'm a

I'm actually based in Belgium and I'm studying (in my 4th year) and in the process of obtaining my master's degree in Computer Systems Architecture.


Programming Skills

java c++ python javascript php kotlin

Main Projects

Hover and click on the project you want to see a demo !
stibride insight


App from scratch to search a way between 2 metro stations in Brussels and find in real-time the next metro arrival using an API

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network insight

Social Network Clone

Simple clone of a social network allowing to login/register and chatrooms system, CRUD posts with images, adding friends and receive notifications (always in development)

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baba is you insight

Baba Is You

Board game - implementation of famous Baba Is You from scratch (Only 5 first levels)

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sokoban insight


Discover movies ranked in the top 200 Box Office randomly. Can share and save the movie to their favorites.

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KotlinJetpack ComposeAPI